We carefully crafted this website design and content to appeal to moderate Jewish communities in the diaspora
Wordfence is a fremium security tool that provides basic, but robust security for your wordpress website. It prevents people trying to crack your Wordpress password, prevents robots from crawling around your website, caches your content, and checks your installation for any suspicious changes.
We install Wordfence by default on all our websites, which have so far withstood some substantial hacking attempts. Please let us know if you have security concerns and we'll help you find more amazing, free ways to tools to keep your site secure.
Here are some of the websites we've secured using Wordfence:
Federal Republic of West Papua
We approached the design of this site to work with the Federal Republic of West Papua’s principles of sustainability, self-determination, and good governance
This Website
We are building this website to function as more than just a business portfolio. Hopefully, it gives you a good idea about what we do, but also some ideas about the tools and concepts that go into developing a website. By showcasing some of the tools we use we hope to give something back to […]