Livru Timor had published a huge library of children’s books and translated them into 14 regional Timorese languages. As their library grew, their Dreamweaver site was unable to archive their massive catalogue, and it was hard for them to keep it up to date. We put WordPress to work as a fully featured CMS, managing […]
Cloudflare is an incredible, fremium tool, that can dramatically speed up and secure your website. Cached versions of your website will get distributed around the world, allowing visitors faster access. The vast network also identifies and blocks malicious visitors and blocks them. If you're using cheap shared hosting (like us) its a great way to make sure your website still gets served at reasonable speeds.
Check out some of our websites delivered by the Cloudflare network below:
Whats Behind the Jewish National Fund
We carefully crafted this website design and content to appeal to moderate Jewish communities in the diaspora
This Website
We are building this website to function as more than just a business portfolio. Hopefully, it gives you a good idea about what we do, but also some ideas about the tools and concepts that go into developing a website. By showcasing some of the tools we use we hope to give something back to […]