We are building this website to function as more than just a business portfolio.
Hopefully, it gives you a good idea about what we do, but also some ideas about the tools and concepts that go into developing a website.
By showcasing some of the tools we use we hope to give something back to the Open Source community that makes this project possible.
On our blog we hope to introduce some ideas our clients might want to think about, but also provide enough information for people who want to learn how to do these things themselves.
We want to showcase not just the websites but the projects and campaigns they are a part of, because we reckon they are pretty awesome and worth supporting.
One of the unorthodox features of our website is the iframes showing live content of the websites we’ve built (on larger screens only). Rather than only showing screen shots from when we’ve just designed a perfect home page for the client, we want to show the websites living, up-to-date content – which we think is more important than visual perfection.
Big thanks to dvize.com for the training which got this whole project started.
backtofrontdesign says
Another unorthodox feature of this website is the comment form!
Its not just because we’re a little wierd and don’t want to be tooo serious – we also really want to encourage people to comment and leave feedback that we can learn from.
It is a little wierd though and maybe some people will hate it?
Please do let us know what you think about this feature and any ideas you have about our other projects.